The following has been updated to reflect the platform passed as amended at the Maine DSA’s Winter Semi-Annual Convention on January 25th, 2025.

Whereas, the return of Donald Trump to the presidency ushers in far right control of the federal government and a period of increased attacks on marginalized communities, the labor movement, public education, and the working class as a whole.

Whereas, Trumpism is a growing movement in the social sphere as well as the political and must be confronted by the left.

Whereas, socialists must play a frontline role in defending the working class from attacks by the far right, both to defend our communities and to grow our movement as the only credible alternative to fascism.

Whereas, the political environment in Maine, as of 2025, presents opportunities to resist the Trump administration and make gains at the state and municipal levels but we must also contend with threats from Democrats moving to the right.

Therefore be it resolved, Maine DSA should adopt the following platform for 2025:

Our Mission

As the preeminent socialist organization in our state, Maine DSA is uniquely positioned to lead left-wing resistance against the far right here in Maine and as a chapter of the largest socialist organization in the country, to play a significant role in national resistance to the Trump administration. In 2025, Maine DSA’s priority will be to fight the far right in defense of our communities and the working class as a whole. We adopt this platform to align our goals as an organization entering a period of far right governance.

Areas of Focus

Maine DSA shall accomplish our mission by prioritizing the following seven areas of struggle (listed in no particular order)

  • Defense of immigrants and asylum seekers
  • Defense of bodily autonomy, including but not limited to trans and reproductive rights
  • Supporting Maine’s indigenous communities in their struggle for self-determination
  • Defending our environment and the climate
  • Protecting electoral democracy
  • Protecting the labor movement and promoting socialist unionism
  • Protecting public education


Life in Maine will only truly be the way “it should be” when workers and oppressed people claim enough union, tribal, community, and neighborhood power to overturn rule by the 1% and the institutions they rely on so that the vast majority can decide on our state’s economic and political priorities. Until then, we must fight to defend ourselves against racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, anti-union, homophobic, and transphobic attacks while we organize to expand our rights and improve our living conditions. In the coming decade, the climate crisis will drive hundreds of thousands of people to Maine. Ensuring that workers set the terms for this influx will shape our work for years to come because New Mainers will play a big role in reconstituting the working class itself and shaping our relationship to the environment. Maine can either become a center of working-class power with a leading voice in social and ecological justice, or it can become a high-priced bedroom community for Boston and New York’s upper middle class. 

Maine DSA pledges itself to strengthening the socialist voice within this struggle because we believe socialist ideas and organization are a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for revolutionary social change. To that end, Maine DSA recognizes that we are a small force in an enormous battle alongside many allies and friends with whom we share much in common. Maine DSA has come a long way in the last decade, but we have a long way to go. 

Given our overall defensive position in the face of ascendent Trumpism, our two related strategic goals for the next two to four years are 1/ to create a united front of Maine organizations, unions, and peoples and individuals dedicated to resisting attacks on working-class and oppressed people initiated by Trump and his movement, and 2/ to build up DSA and the socialist movement to a level at which we can credibly challenge the hegemony of the Democratic Party.

In order to accomplish our first strategic goal, we must strengthen connections with friends and allies and build new connections with the many organizations and communities with whom we do not yet have close relations. We should begin building and testing these relationships through the process of coordinating defense of our brothers and sisters and siblings over the next six months. 

Our next step to cement these ties and build a popular front will be to explicitly raise the question of an organizing conference to plan actions and campaigns with as much unity and participation as possible to discuss the potential to:

  • Act publicly and organize protests
  • Engage in community defense
  • Advocate for progressive legislation
  • Organize electoral campaigns

To achieve our second goal of raising DSA’s political capacity to challenge the Democratic Party’s political establishment, we propose a state-wide socialist education and strategy conference. Our goal is to bring together over 250 socialists and friends for a 2-day conference. We will rely on local comrades and friends to lead educational workshops and strategy sessions, but also invite DSA comrades and other leading socialists and union organizers from around the country. Our goals are to raise Maine DSA’s profile nationally, to consolidate a new layer of DSA members, and to raise the theoretical/historical/organizing capacity and confidence of our existing members.