Dear Editor, 

In the growing violent rhetoric about trans people and our allies, particularly in Damariscotta, I have written an open letter to all the trans kids in Maine and beyond:

Hey you,

These times are not normal. Yes, they are indeed unprecedented. You’ve heard that for the last nearly three years, and I’m sure it’s getting old, but it’s the truth.

And as I’m sure that is tiring to hear, it’s probably more exhausting to have your identity debated in the news over and over again. For that, I am so deeply sorry. You shouldn’t have to worry about being anything but a kid. Your identity is valid no matter what the news or politicians say.

I wanted to let you know that you are incredibly powerful. I mean, you have these legislators shaking in their boots because of how liberating your mere existence is. Wow!

But the road to liberation isn’t easy. I want you to know that there are so many people in this world you care about you and who are fighting for you. Their hate may seem loud, but our trans joy is louder. You have transcestors who fought tooth and nail from before the stonewall riots even happened so you could wear that pride flag around your shoulders like a cape. I hope you are wearing it proudly, because you’re my hero for being so unapologetically you! And those of us adults who admire you so much are still fighting for your future. Always.

I love you. I’m here for you. You are valid.

With Love,
Sampson Spadafore